Our annual Presentation evening was held last night at the Cricketers Pub - thank you to everyone who attended
This Years awards went to:
1st Team - Batsmen : James Bell
1st Team - Bowler : Ian Catley
1st Team - Overall Player : James Bell
2nd Team - Batsmen :Shashank Bezgoan
2nd Team - Bowler : Ivan Humm
2nd Team - Overall Player : Dan Smith
Sunday Team - Overall Player : C Owen
Outstanding Junior in the Adult Game : C Owen
Presidents Bat: H Blanke
Club Shield : Alan Godley
Many congratulations to them all in a particularly tough season.
Special thanks to all of the committee for their support throughout the year and special mention to Mel Beattie for her Junior Cricket work, Aimee Helmer for her ongoing Ladies team, Kev and Dian Helmer for their support with the ground and bar, Alan Godley and Danny Marchant for their support with the ground, Laura Colairo and Maxine Marchant for their social, fundraising and child welfare roles and finally to B Lawson and F Owen for their support at the club.
The Clubs AGM will be held on Monday 2 December and we look forward to seeing you then
Copford Cricket Club